The other week my husband brought me home a warm, snuggly sweatshirt that had a saying on it, “The Struggle Is Real”. We both shared an awkward chuckle as I embraced him, thanking him for his realization and cognizance of the fact that, the struggle (any struggle) is real. I often wear it to Doctors […]


Growing up, I was introduced head on into the world of hoarding by my mother. I did not realize what it meant and considered it normal to live amongst the massive accumulation of stuff that surrounded our house. The ironic thing is that I also learned you could be a “hidden hoarder” so that others […]

Silent Voices

It has the capacity to render its victims a life in a self-inflicted jail cell with no hope of escape. It will cause its victims to lie, cover up and make excuses for its very existence. Once encountered, its victims are forever changed; some of them will even die by its hand. It generally passes […]

Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland

Growing up with the name of Alice would naturally put me in a position to be very well versed in the story by Lewis Carroll of Alice in Wonderland. To say that, as a child, I was called Alice in Wonderland and teased unmercifully about this would be redundant! As an adult, going back and reading the […]