If you are in crisis, get help now!
To anyone suffering with MENTAL ILLNESS You are one badass mother because nothing is more terrifying than battling with your own mind every single day.
This website is meant for people with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD), for their families and people that love them, and for anyone else that is interested in learning more about BPD. The website will also touch on other forms of mental illness, such as Panic Anxiety Disorder or Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. The content on this website will be many forms, such as technical articles and research, blogs by me, blogs from others and visual images that refer to the above topics. I will also have “visitors” such as practitioners that work with people who have BPD and other people with BPD that may chime in from time to time.
If you have Borderline Disorder, I hope that this website will be a place where you can come and receive hope. It is so important that you are properly diagnosed and that you find a good psychiatrist and other mental health professionals that specialize specifically in the treatment of BPD. I would also highly recommend finding someone that is trained in Dialectical Behavioral Treatment a/k/a (DBT). If you need to be on medication, please do not feel ashamed or that it might not be a vital step in improving your symptoms. You may need to try more than one or two until you find a medication that “sits” well with your system.
It is not an easy path to struggle with the symptoms of Borderline Personality Disorder. It is so worth it though, to gain more control over your life and for those who love and care about you, for them to learn more about how to help you. The tagline I chose for this website is "empathize, educate, advocate". In doing so, you will find a much more rewarding existence living with Borderline for you and your loved ones.
I am NOT a Doctor or a Clinician. I do not hold any degrees or specialties in dealing with BPD. I myself am a survivor (yes, I call myself a survivor as I did not commit suicide from this disorder!) and I have been through over 20 years of psychiatric therapy, talk therapy and DBT training in learning how to conquer my symptoms. It has been a long and at times a very rough journey but it has also been empowering to learn techniques and methods that help me get through my days almost symptom free.
What I want to share with you are two things: HOPE and KNOWLEDGE.
The rest we can experience along the journey from my book, “Searching For Grey”, my Facebook Page www.facebook.com/Searching-For-Grey, and this Website www.searchingforgrey.com.
Thank you for checking us out and I hope to hear from you on our Message Board.
With you on the journey,
Alice M. Pirola
Suicide Prevention Month
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Part Three – Diagnosed With Mental Illness Now What?
If you have been following this series of blogs ‘Diagnosed With Mental Illness Now What’, you are aware how difficult this diagnosis can be to a person. You can find parts one and two of this series at these links: http://searchingforgrey.com/diagnosed-with-mental-illness-now-what/ and http://searchingforgrey.com/part-two-diagnosed-with-mental-illness-now-what/. Each and every year, millions of Americans find themselves affected by mental